MyBB has been added to the list of web applications that can be installed through Installatron. MyBB is a discussion board that has been around for a while; it has evolved from other bulletin boards into the forum package it is today. Therefore, it is a professional and efficient discussion board, developed by an active […]
The web application Joomla has been updated within Installatron, the latest version of Joomla is 1.7.0, We recommend that you update your Joomla installs ASAP to keep your account secure and up to date. UK Web.Solutions Direct, your perfect choice for Joomla Web Hosting!
We’ve just installed new backup servers to replace the existing ones for our R1Soft CDP backup system, this will bring improvements to the speed backups are taken and also the time it takes to restore files. As there’s lots of servers to migrate over to the new systems, we will be doing it over the […]
So how important is it to use UK Web Hosting I hear you ask, there’s a few important factors that come into play and I will do my best to cover them here for you. Firstly when considering a new Web hosting provider is “do I want a fast web hosting service?” If you’re in […]
To match our new website design we’ve reworked our web hosting affiliate banners, there are now two different sizes to choose from to display on your website. If you’ve not already signed up for our UK web hosting affiliate program you can do so from your customer portal.
phpBB has had the update treatment via Installatron today, it’s now available to install version 3.0.9 and we recommend that you update your existing installs as always. phpBB is one of the most used (free) forums and it’s very popular with our web hosting customers, offering high performance web forums and is very customisable. With […]
The installer for piwik has just been updated to version 1.5.1, this is ready for new installs and for updates of your existing install.
The installatron script installer for ocportal has been updated to version 7.1.1, we recommend that you upgrade your existing install now to ensure that your account is secure and up to date.
Another web application update from Installatron, this time it’s Drupal and it’s new version is 7.4. As always, we recommend that you upgrade your install ASAP to keep it secure and up to date.
We’re pleased to announce the release of our new website design, we hope that you like it! It’s been a lot of hard work over the last couple of months and after a lot of tweaking, it’s finally ready and we’re very happy with it. It’s not just the “front of shop” that’s changed, we’ve […]